Using Gaming to Plan for Housing
Lisa Brown is joined by Professor Vikki McCall, she talks about housing stigma and the importance of planning for an aging population. Vikki shares how she and co-founder Alasdair Rutherford have developed an innovative game bringing together a range of parties to play out different approaches to housing strategy. She explains how this is being implemented and the impact it is having across a range of sectors and tenant groups.
Professor Vikki McCall is Chair in Social Policy and Employability Lead for the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Stirling and Co-founder and Creative Director of Socialudo, a social enterprise delivering serious games. Vikki’s work currently includes leading projects focusing on housing, ageing, stigma, co-production the role of front-line workers, service users, volunteers and the policy process. Professor Vikki McCall and Professor Alasdair Rutherford are co-founders of Socialudo, a social enterprise using 'Serious Games' to help diverse groups plan and think about how we future-proof society. They design, develop and deliver bespoke games to help organisations tackle hard problems, such as planing for the ageing population, or climate change.
You can find the episode on on YouTube
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